Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How has Your Experiences At JU Been

What are your feelings about JU, dislikes, likes? Anything that you want to talk about.
What schools did you turn down to come to JU?
For engineering students, what school do you plan on attending for your last 2 years.


  1. My feeling's toward JU are good, although there is not much to do at JU which kind of makes this campus a little boring. Overall I am commuter so I just go to classes and then go home. The schools that I decline were FSU, UF, and Embry-Riddle and came to JU becuase it was close to home for me.

    For everybody else, why did you come to JU when knowing that this university is very expensive, what made you want to come here??

  2. I'll be honest at first I hated JU. i'm from Nashville so Jacksonville is very far from home. It's nothing like home so it was a hard adjustment. My first two years here were very difficult; I struggled to find motivation, felt that I wanted a better or more influential major. But recently I've found that I'm happy again, I'm certainly enjoying my time here. I'm in ROTC here at JU and I have a more significant role this semester and I enojy working with the peolpe I'm working with and I'm excited to be involved in traingin some of our future officers. I've also learned to adjust to being an adult and to the college environment. I didn't really decline any schools prior to coming here as I recieved a scholarship from the navy assigning me TO JU. So I didn't have much of a choice, but I was accepted into Auburn, Tennessee Tech, UT Chattanooga and Middle Tennessee State University.

    -Rebekah Clayton

  3. I really like that JU is a small campus with a perfect student to teacher ratio. It's hard to have your professor care about you when your in a class of 500. There's more one on one time available with the professors, and my professors express genuine concerns if my grades drop. I as originally assigned to a school farther south in Florida and switched to JU for the marine science program/NROTC. This school is one in only a handful that offer both ROTC and marine science. As a student here I do complain about stuff, but who doesn't. Overall I am happy I go to school here.
