Monday, October 3, 2011

Electric Aircraft

Recently, NASA hosted a Green Flight Challenge aviation contest. In the contest teams built innovative and energy efficient aircraft. Planes in the competition travels over 160 kilometers per hour on less than 3.8 liters of fuel per passenger. NASA says they hope technology developed during the competition will lead to innovations in electric aircraft, and lead to innovations in the aviation industry that result in quiet, emission-free aircraft.

Here is the link to the article:

I thought that this article was interesting. I did not know that full sized aircraft could operate and fly using only electricity. This is definitely innovative and i am curious to see electric aircraft in the future.

Would you feel safe traveling in a fully electric powered aircraft? And what are your opinions on electric powered aircraft?

Walter Hill


  1. I think electric motors are better at driving then an airplane propeller. They are much less noisy and more reliable when compared to combustion fuel engines. Electric aircrafts are much more reliable, as they have increased safety due to decreased chance of mechanical failure and a less risk of explosion or fire in the event of a collision. Since they emit a less amount of heat, they don’t require much amount of cooling air flowing over them as combustion engines do, which is a very big deal with airplanes.

    The only bad thing that I would see of this invention is that electric power motors used in electric aircrafts are heavier for airplanes to stay up in the air. They may be toxic, rupture easily, short-circuit, catch fire and are expensive to replace. Overall I think that it would benefit and better advanced our technology but with minor mistakes at the same time.

  2. What do you think about electric aircrafts Walter ???

  3. I have mixed feeling about electric aircraft. I think they are innovative and safe for the environment, however they would be easy targets for attack because they would only be ran by electronics and elictricity.


  4. I wonder if they can also build solar panels into the body of the aircraft to continually charge the electric motor. Then planes wouldn't have to stop to plug in for more juice as often.

    Seriously though, I wonder if an electric motor would last longer than a combustion motor. If so, electric motors would greatly reduce how many stops aircraft would have to make. That would be cool!
