Monday, August 22, 2011

Introduce yourself!

For your first blog assignment, post a comment in response to this article to introduce yourself. Tell us...

1. What your previous experience with physics is---even if it's simply, "I watched an episode of Mr. Wizard's World Bill Nye the Science Guy when I was a kid."
2. One question you'd like for a physics or engineering major to answer on this blog.
3. What you'd like to get out of reading and conversing on this blog.

Be sure to "sign" your post so that I can tell who you are. For example...

W. Brian Lane


  1. 1. I'd have to say my first experience with physics was the TV show, Bill Nye the Science Guy, go figure. I loved his show and couldn't get enough of how fun he made science. I also had an amazing experience with m 8th grade teacher and the physics of gravity with dropping eggs from the top of a roof testing if our protective cases would withstand the force of gravity. (Most failed)

    2. What made you decide to study Physics/Engineering for a career?

    3. I'd like to see an insightful look at Physics and Engineering upperclassman who have a desire to use their major for their career, and learn more ways that physics is applied outside of the classroom.

    Elamon White

  2. 1. My previous experience with physics includes 2 years of physics in 11th and 12th grade of high school. Our teacher was formerly a biologist so he didn't each us much beyond the basic kinematic equations and their applications, but it was a fun class nonetheless.

    2. I am an engineering major, so I really don't have a question...

    3. Most of this class should (hopefully) be a review to me, so I'd like to help others in any way that I can

    - Anatoly Kozorezov

  3. 1. My previous experience with physics is very little. I watched a video on general physics before taking the SAT one year and that's about it.

    2. I Don't know very much about physics so I'm not sure what questions I would like answered.

    3. I would like to learn more about physics and see the usefulness of it, and see how it applies in real life.

  4. 1. This is my first physics class so I don't I know much (at least I don't think I do) but I did watch a lot of Bill Nye videos in middle school. I also built a model roller coaster and a rocket for a class project in middle school.
    2. Do you have to study the material or do you understand the concepts naturally?
    3. I would like to read the different view points on the topics we discuss.

  5. 1. This is my first experience with physics. I've been to a physics fair at FSU a few years ago and I have seen a few episodes of Bill Nye, but aside from that this will be my first in depth experience.

    2. What is the best way to go about studying for this class?

    3.I would like to get pointers and tips how to be sucessful in this class.

  6. 1) This will be the third physics class I have taken. I took honors and AP physics in high school and really enjoyed it. Physics comes very naturally for me and most of it makes sense because it is a set concept.
    2) Q) What type of engineer would you like to be?
    A) Either a Aerospace or Nuclear.
    3) A better understanding of the material as well as a different opinion of what people think on current topics.

  7. 1)I fell out of tree once and realized Newton's Laws of Motion can hurt. I also had AP Physics in my senior year of high school.

    2)What causes gravity?

    3)In this class I would like to learn more about physics and how it affects me everyday.

    Steven DiGiannurio

  8. Heriberto Cruz says

    1. This is my first experience doing physics, but I did watch a couple of esipodes of the great Bill Nye the science guy explaining and showing about physics during middle school.

    2. I currently do not have a question for the physics and engineering majors.

    3. In this class I would love to disect physics and see what it is really about.

  9. Those are all great questions, and our blog authors will be here soon to begin answering them!

    W. Brian Lane

  10. 1. As a child and in junior high I watched episodes of Bill Nye the Science guy, but this class is really my first experience of physics.

    2. My question for engineering majors is what do they plan on doing with their degree?

    3. I would like to get more information about physics and helpful hints to help me succeed in class and in the future.

  11. 1. This is my first real exposure physics. I dealt with some physics in Calculus class. I like to know how thing work and I feel this class will help to answers some questions I have.
    2. What happens to matter if it reaches the speed of light?
    3.I would like to know people's different study methods. What works for someone else might work me also.

    Kyle Bosanko

  12. 1. Just most people i also watched Bill Nye the Science Guy , but i also took a physics class my junior year of high school, where my teacher actually used Bill Nye videos in his lessons.

    2. If we were able to launch a car into space with just enough force to break free of the earths gravity how far away would it be when i graduate. (dec 2015)

    3. I would like to get a few laughs and maybe some tips to help make it through the class.

    Shawn Macklefresh

  13. Hi, my name is Rebekah Clayton and I'm terrified of physics. I guess my first exposure to physics was Bill Nye the Science Guy, too, but at the time I didn't know that. I just liked the theme song and loved watching him conduct experiments. I must admit, I've made an attempt to avoid physics for as long as possible; many of my friends in high school, who were very very smart mind you, said it was so hard and tedious. So my question for a physics and engineering major would be in what ways can I make physics easy? that possible? Finally, I'd like to learn from this blog that I'm not the only one who's midly worried about the curriculum; that I won't struggle alone.

    Rebekah Clayton

  14. 1. Hello!! My name is Antonella. Besides my classes in high school I haven’t really had any other experience with physics. I remember I truly enjoyed some of the labs in high school, especially those where we got to build things. However I recently decided about becoming an engineering major so I guess this is just my first step into the physics world.
    2. With the time do you get tired of studying physics and dealing with numbers every day or it becomes more and more exited?
    3. Through this blog I hope we could get to know more about each other and clear up any doubt about any material cover in class.

  15. 1. Hey y'all. My first experience with physics was when I was ten and trying to do a flip on my friend's dirtbike. Needless to say it did not turn out well the first time around. I have take one semester of physics my sophomore year of high school.

    2. What is the most fascinating part of physics to you?

    3.Learn new and fascinating ideas pertaining to physics that I can use in everyday life.
