Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Speed of Light

On Thursday, September 22, 2011, it was reported that European researchers had detected neutrinos traveling faster than light. If this discovery proves to be valid and true, then this is an amazing milestone in physics.

The speed of light is approximately 186,282 miles per second and is said to be the fastest speed that any particle in the universe can travel. I think all of you should take a look at the article posted below and give your opinions on whether you think anything is faster than the speed of light.

Hope you enjoy,

Walter Hill


  1. I find this article extremely interesting! I hope it is true, I can only imagine what kinds of fascinating things would come of this. I do not know whether I should believe this or not, but I find it hard to imagine that we know everything. Everyday we learn something new about the world we live in so it makes sense that something we think to be factual turns up false.

    Steven D.

  2. We've all seen movies that use light speed, which is your favorite?

    Steven D.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I also found this article interesting, It would be amazing to see something like this work. But as far as time travling, I would not want to be moving that fast. As it was stated in the article, the speedof light is slower when its not in a vaccum, there may have been some errors in their calculations. Therefore until more tests and experiments are done, i just dont believ it.

  5. I agree with you Semira until more proof is provided i wont be able to believe that anything can move faster than the speed of light. But then again anything is possible

    Steven i thought of a few movies that use speed of light: Back to the Future, Honey I Shrunk the Kids

  6. Its a pretty interesting topic in my opinion, especially the part where they talk about sending messages to the past you. I wonder how that would change the future or alter who you are now and the way you think. Kind of makes me think of the movie butterfly affect.

  7. Was this discovery published in a scientific journal? I think the media played way too much into this. If this was true I believe this story would be way bigger and we would be hearing a lot more about it. This discovery is essentially disproving a fundamental law a physics. I believe that a newspaper article does not suffice.


  8. No it wasn't published in a scientific journal. This is a recent discovery and more research is being done

  9. This is definitely an interesting article. It is just crazy to think that what physicist and scientists have believed for many years, or even more important, form where they have built the basics of today’s physics world has come about to be erroneous. I completely agree with Bonsako, as no scientific journal has published an article about this fact, it is not reliable and as Samira said, until more confirmed evidences are not made, it is very hard for me to believe it.

  10. I think only time will tell when it comes to something like this. Obviously it will receive a lot of flack as it goes against the well-established theory of relativity. Science, in the grand scheme of things is not very far evolved so there is no telling if there are multiple particles that can go faster than the speed of light. Or, these finding could be human error or just a grab at attention by the media as Bosanko suggests.
