Monday, October 10, 2011

A Bar on Campus ????

Ok, we all need a break from physics...........
I recently wrote a 10 page proposal on how a sports bar on campus would change JU.
I believe in almost every way a sports bar, on campus would help the JU community.
I want to know what you think.....
Please feel free the disagree with me.
Post some ideas, good or bad...lets make this a little debate.


  1. Alcohal will be served....

  2. Alcohol has the potential to become a problem, depending on whether it is consumed responsibly or irresponsibly.It can be abused and can lead to alcoholism or not. To me it’s a problem, because it can change people's life.

  3. How would you go about with this idea Phil???

  4. I think a sports bar would be a great idea not only because I like to socially consume alcohol but I believe that it would decrease drunk driving. Let’s face since JU is not a dry campus (even if it was) and college students are going to consume alcohol. You can dispute this all you care to but the cold hard truth is that young people like to drink. This is the society that we live in. If there was a bar on campus I feel less students would leave campus to consume alcohol and therefore, wouldn’t be on the road, under the influence, coming back from a party.


  5. I agree with bosanko, copious amounts of alcohol is good for the soul. Students are going to drink one way or another, at least give them a place to do it safely so they dont have to make the decision not to drive!

    Steven DiGiannurio

  6. I think a sports bar would be an great idea. I think it would be cool to have a place where you can go order some "good" food and chill and watch a football game. However, I still think it would lead to drunk driving because unless people just go back to their room, they would go out somewhere because there are no places on campus for people to hang out. Regardless when there is alcohol there will always be someone who drinks irresponsibly no matter where you are, and set the bad reputation for everyone.

    Aaron Gibbs

  7. I think it would also be very beneficial to create more types of things to do one campus. There really isn't anything that the school offers students to do other than go to the sports games or watch a movie on the weekends, what other types of areas or events do you think could be made to increase student activities on campus?

    Steven DiGiannurio

  8. I know we use to have bar where the bookstore is now, where would be a good place for the bar to be?

    Aaron Gibbs

  9. I proposed that the sports bar would be down by the river so the noise wouldn’t affect the dorms. Also think about the profits the university could make and could use for different parts of the university that need funding.

  10. I would love to have a sports bar on campus. Super convenient and a good way to save gas/eliminate drunk driving and get away from hw. My only question is where would we put the bar? And what is the plan to insure the safety of everyone who is of age and/or who is not of age?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Rather than have a sports bar, you might as well have Nellie's serve alcohol. I do not think that there would be enough business to justify having a sports bar built on campus. Would the bar be open to people off campus?

  13. Bradley, I think that if we do have a sports bar on campus that it should be for students only. It would attract too many unwanted guests on our campus. And It could potentially decrease the safety of our campus considering the area that surrounds JU isn't desirable to begin with.

  14. I am actually consuming alcohol as I type this and I wish I was in a sports bar. To Bradley, I think the bar would have to open to all of JU's students, faculty, and staff. If it were open only to students who live on campus I believe the bar would't make enough money to keep open.


  15. After too much work studying and struggling with harmonic motions, conservation of energy, vectors, letters with hat, and so much more, it would be just great to have few drinks with your friends and relax. I think opening a sports bar on campus would be a great idea. As most of you mentioned, it would prevent people for driving under the influence of alcohol. I do not think it would be a problem at all. While it’s true that the improper consumption of alcohol might bring irreversible damages to our health, we’re all here mature enough (at least that’s what I think) to know our limit. A bar on campus would be also a great benefit for the university and students would enjoy it.

  16. I must say I strongly agree with you Phil, and with Bosanko. A bar on campus would provide a convenient place for students of age to drink and socialize, watch a game or play some pool, just hang out. It would significantly decrease the chances of drunk driving, not only on campus but also off campus in the outlying Arlington areas. It would also create more of a social atmosphere for JU. I sometimes feel that there's not much to do or experience at JU, especially on weekends, so I feel a sports bar would indeed serve to provide entertainment for the students at JU. I again agree with Bosanko when he says the bar would have to be open to all JU faculty. To limit the crowd would only serve to limit business for the bar and regulating the crowd and limiting business, one would ultimately bring down the sports bar and I think it would end up not being very enjoyable or inviting.

  17. For the wine lovers,

    It is believed that a glass of red wine a day helps the cardiovascular system and prevents your skin from aging.



  19. The two main arguments people bring up are that people will drink anyways and that JU is boring. I think it needs to be made clear that even though there could be a bar on campus, underage drinking is still illegal and as the res life policies are currently, if you are 21, you are allowed to drink on campus. My only issue with alcohol is dealing with drunk people. It would concern me to know that while I'm walking past the library, there's a chance some drunk guy will pick a fight. And there is no way our campus security will be able to keep up with all the potential incidents because, let's face it, they don't do a good job as it is.

    As far as the campus being boring, blame it on JUSA. My best friend goes to Embry Riddle and they have a stand-up comedian come in once a month and once a year they bring in somebody off comedy central. Last year, they had Tosh. That's just one example of what a functioning student government can accomplish. I don't know whether it's a problem with funding or it's just that we don't have anyone that cares enough to do something about it, but whatever the case, the JU campus is extremely boring. I just don't think a bar on campus will solve that particular issue.

  20. I think is a good idea. We're all in college people are going to drink no matter where they are at. It is better to have them on campus to insure their safety. Students wouldn't have to worry about DD's and it would also benefit the school financially.

  21. I think Anatoly brings up some really good points. A bar on campus may not necessarily make JU that much more of a fun place. I also agree with his comments about dealing with drunk people on campus. Maybe we just need the right student body officers in place that will bring fun to the campus. I think there is a good chance you would see the amount of campus security incidents increase if you put a bar on campus, including harassment and fights. Hey, maybe JU is boring but from what I've seen it's a relatively safe campus.

  22. I think the sports bar would be great for social reasons. It seems like a lot of people are just members of frats or something. It would make a good place to hang out at. Although I have to question why the university needs funding considering how high the tuition is. Obviously that will not run a not-for-profit bar but i do not think that the university needs money. Plus, this will actually make it easier to control the consumption of alcohol for students and make sure that it is done in a safe environment. I think perhaps you could compare this to the national legalization of weed debate perhaps?
