Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear power uses nuclear fission and fusion to generate power. It accounts for about 15% of the world’s power and is relatively safe. Nuclear propulsion is used on Navy submarines and aircraft carriers. Nuclear energy can also be used in weapons, which are very dangerous and has lasting effects on areas affected. The most famous example of nuclear warfare is when the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima during World War II. In all, nuclear energy is a source of energy for the future and has many uses.

Here is a link if you want more information on nuclear energy:http://library.thinkquest.org/3471/nuclear_energy.html

For those of you that are interested, below is a link to US Navy website. It lists many jobs that are associated with nuclear physics. This is a very good paying job opportunity after college and can also earn you money while in college.

US Navy careers with nuclear physics: http://www.navy.com/careers/nuclear-energy.html

Also attached is a poster for the Naval Nuclear Propulsion program:

Walter Hill


  1. I find this very interesting because this is what i am planning on doing when I get into the Navy. Do you think nuclear power will increase or decrease both in the civilian and military aspects over the next few decades and by how much?

    Steven Digiannurio

  2. Steven,

    I think that nuclear power will increase over the next few years because it is safer to produce and is more efficient, the only problem with nuclear energy is how to safely and securely store the waste.

    I don't know how much nuclear power will increase, because that depends on demand and the amount that can be safely produced.

    Walter Hill

  3. One of my high school friends are in the Navy and is doing Nuclear Power. I think that is hardest job every. I do not see how people do that job. Being under water for so long, I couldn't do it.

  4. I couldn't do a on a submarine or on a aircraft carrier either. I wouldn't want to be away from home or out on the seas for that long.

    Walter Hill

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